The principle to which ProControl srl has marked from the outset the design and management of the production of actuators and control systems, and which it is not willing to abandon, it is to fully meet the customer’s expectations.
Customer requirements, with regard in particular to the quality of materials, safety, the environment, must not only to be fulfilled, but also supported by a company that will ensure the full understanding and constant respect

ProControl srl is committed to pursuing the best possible conditions of Safety and Health of Work and to work respecting those of environmental protection requirements that constitute such an important part of our civil life, with reference to the principles of prevention and continuous improvement.

To this aim ProControl srl means:

  • Strictly adhering to, in substance and in the principles, all the applicable laws in HSE matter and commitments made freely in the context of trade associations to which adheres or will adhere in the future.
  • Reiterate a commitment program focused on continuous improvement, through actions that involve a plurality of actors in order to determine the improving the health of the working population by reducing accidents, occupational diseases and work-related diseases.
  • With reference to the chemicals needed for the production and maintenance of its plant, choose, whenever possible, the less dangerous for people and the environment, carefully check its consumption, and manage them in order to prevent both the ‘ exposure of workers, both harmful spills or discharges to the environment.
  • Contain and / or bring down the noise produced by its plants, limiting maximum exposure of workers and the noise into the external environment.
  • Make every reasonable effort to curb the generation of waste, with particular reference to those dangerous, starting from the source, in any stage of processing, and promote waste management according to a scale of priorities that privilege, where possible, re-use, recycling and recovery of raw material, as well as the combustion with production of energy.
  • Avoid unnecessary waste and consumption of energy and natural resources, including water.
  • Apply, whenever possible, environmental criteria in the choice of packaging and consumables.
  • Assess in advance the new processes, technologies, activities and services in order to identify the effects to HSE; ensure control, even for the improvement of environmental performance.
  • Ensure the involvement of management in policy and in the HSE objectives of the Company.
  • Ensure that staff are sensitized in HSE, ProControl srl, is involved in pursuing them, is educated and trained to adopt behaviors consistent with these commitments.
  • Monitor and evaluate the performance of HSE, and pursue the continuous improvement.
  • Ensuring the adoption of correct environmental behavior by suppliers and companies working on behalf of the organization, in line with the practices and procedures environmental organization.
  • In the case of choice of new materials or process change, as in the case of real estate projects or plant, to include the evaluation of the related aspects of HSE preventing negative impacts on the overall environmental performance of ProControl srl, and improving them where possible.
  • Educate customers to the appropriate use and environmentally responsible of ProControl srl products.
  • Adopting the best techniques and procedures for prevention and control of emergencies.
  • Introduce appropriate methodologies for monitoring and auditing of HSE management.
  • Refresh regularly the policy and the HSE system operation to assess the accuracy and effectiveness, to continuous improvement
  • Implement a HSE Integrated Management System conforms to best available standards.
  • Pursue an open and constructive attitude towards the public, users, the public authorities and other interested parties.

This policy must be communicated to all persons working for ProControl srl or on its behalf.
It is available to the public and to anyone who requests it.

ProControl rl It provides distribution and the provision of policy following the certification of the management system.

The company plans to distribute a printed copy, with a brief letter accompaniment, the staff b>ProControl srl, to the enterprises of cleaning, plant maintenance, property maintenance and waste disposal and to post it to corporate boards.

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