One-Stop Shop HIPPS Integration

Single source partner, dedicated engineering and full assistance at site until commissioning

PROCONTROL is an ISO 9001 certified HIPPS (High Integrity Pressure Protection System) integrator and solution provider with capabilities to engineer, manufacture and supply integrated HIPPS systems both skid assembled or not, in full accordance with clients requirements. PROCONTROL HIPPS systems consist of API6D/API6A Valves, Spring Return Actuators, Control Systems, Logic Solver, Field Initiators. Depending on clients requirements these can be supplied as loose items or skid mounted and integrated by using connecting flanged pipes, pups and block and bleed manifolds. HIPPS systems act as a barrier between a high pressure and a low pressure section of an installation, shutting off the source of the upstream high pressure before it exceeds the downstream system design pressure, thus preventing loss of containment through rupture and explosion. HIPPS systems are the perfect solution when the risk profile of a plant must be reduced to avoid impacts on human life and the environment.

Certified System up to SIL3 and SIL4

A HIPPS is a Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) engineered and built as per IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 to prevent downstream over-pressurization in Gas, Chemical and Oil Refinery plants, supplied with bespoke engineered PROCONTROL SIL3 certified actuators with a unique integrated quick exhaust valve, complete with adjustable end of stroke damper device designed to ensure fast-acting stroking times and valve drive train protection. It is an independent reliable system that operates on a higher Safety Integrity Level (SIL) than traditional Process Shut-Down (PSD) and Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) systems: Logic Solver can be programmable or Solid State SIL3 or SIL4 certified. Partial Stroke Test (PST) can be performed by a dedicated auto-reset direct- acting solenoid valve with remote position feedback provided by a limit switch or by a 4-20mA signal.

Electronic HIPPS

  • not dependent field initiator location
  • 2oo3 pressure sensing voting logic
  • interlocking manifold with automatic voting logic selection
    (2oo3 –> 1oo2)
  • automatic & scheduled partial stroke test
  • complete array of diagnostics

Mechanical HIPPS

  • standalone assembly
  • simpler & independent operation
  • fit for purpose / plug & play
  • integrated pressure sensing / logic solver
  • no electrical wiring
  • lower total cost of ownership
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